About me

Hi guys! I’m Jsnn (you can just call me Jason), down below is my introduction!

我是一名資訊工程系的學生,興趣愛好是閱讀、攝影、研究汽車,所以Jsnn’s logs通常離不開這三個主題。
I’m a student majoring CS, I love reading, photography, and some car research, so Jsnn’s logs probably can’t live without these three elements.

那我為什麼會想要創立Jsnn’s logs呢?
Why I want to create Jsnn’s logs?

Not only sharing my thoughts, and hope those thoughts can help some people, maybe you are struggling like me in the past, you can get some innovation of your mind or find some comfort from it, so we can make our life better, and spread this mentality to everyone!

That’s all about me, thanks for your reading!